This Weeks Finished Small Batch Leather Goods

I knocked out a small batch of Design Your Own and Add-On orders in my basement workshop this week, taking off the last chunk of pending custom orders from my May production schedule. I wanted to share them before starting June’s next small batch of DYO and add-on orders. The following bags are headed to New York, California, Canada, Louisiana, and Michigan!

I still feel such a wildly good feeling when I complete my orders and get to this point of sharing what I made. I watch them start as materials until my hands build something from scratch for another human who literally loves my art enough to ask me to make it for them. I get to take photos and videos of my art for social media and this blog. I get the time to look over them to make sure they’re ready to head to their homes.

It’s amazing to look back at my website’s numbers each month and see how many leather products Bird Trouble can put out into the world and see how far Bird Trouble has grown. Each order and each person’s support shows how me how I can Bird Trouble grow / adapt my brand for the future.

My creative journey, for my whole life, and I say my whole life authentically because in second grade I started saying I wanted to be an artist, has been one wild ride. The fact that myself (and the teams I hire to work with plus the artisans I collaborate with from time to time) make these beautiful bags in exchange for an income, freedom of professional choice, and our time spent on this planet… it’s just beyond me.

Creation is a beautiful constant in all of our lives - creating love, art, meals, spaces, businesses, cultures. Creation is a major privilege. I designed and made these bags using my two hands, traditional and slow leather and sewing techniques with such amazing natural materials and cool machines. This work is most definitely an outlet where I can be myself but it’s shared by other rad humans and that is a major privilege, SO THANK YOU. xo, Alexz


Upcoming Brown Sugar Collection | Ready To Ship | Friday June 2 at 12pm CST


We Sold Out!!!!!